Brady King

Brady King. Partner. His twenty-five years of government and advocacy experience position him to develop strategic solutions for an array of clients across a broad spectrum of issue areas. Senior posts in the House and Senate, the Obama Administration, and the private sector make him uniquely qualified to put clients in positions for the highest levels of success.

Josh Hurvitz

Josh Hurvitz, Partner. Brings years of experience as an in-house corporate lobbyist to serving NVG’s clients. Successful consensus builder within coalitions and trade associations. Expert in copyright law, international trade, competition policy, and telecommunications. Grew up in New York politics, serving as Legislative Director for a member of the House Judiciary and Energy & Commerce Committees.

Eden Shiferaw

Eden Shiferaw, Vice President. Experienced relationship builder and political strategist. Works to bridge the divide between stakeholders and decision makers in Washington. Expertise in healthcare, food, technology, civil and human rights policy. Understands coalition management and development. Advises clients in political action committee growth and political giving strategies. Strong relationship with Democratic policymakers including Congressional Black, Hispanic, and Asian and Pacific Islander caucuses and Progressive Caucus.

Bonnie Hogue Duffy

Bonnie Hogue Duffy, Partner. Expertise in Medicare, health reform, health insurance issues, and FDA.  Significant experience with prominent consumer organizations, health care companies, and coalitions, including management of the MapRx Coalition. Worked for the Senate Aging Committee, Senator Jack Reed and the Senate Democratic Policy Committee.

Abby Bownas

Abby Bownas, Partner. Coalition manager extraordinaire, currently running the Adult Vaccine Access Coalition ( Subject matter expert in vaccine policy, diabetes-related policy issues, and preventive health. Broad reach in the patient advocacy world. Strong understanding of nutrition, housing policy and community development. Significant experience with nonprofit organizations. Served on the federal affairs team of the American Diabetes Association and worked in the House and Senate.

Lisa German Foster

Lisa Foster, Partner. Deep subject matter expertise in public health issues including vaccine policy; FDA drug, device, and tobacco issues; the Orphan Drug Act; and newborn screening. Legislative expertise through work with the Senate HELP and Appropriations Committees. Relationships with key health staff. Advises health care companies and nonprofit advocacy organizations. Worked for Senator Jack Reed for 10 years, leading his health care work.

Patricia Griffin

Patricia Griffin, Partner. A lifelong political insider and NVG’s resident forward thinker. As a recognized go-to expert on progressive issue campaigns, Patricia brings to the firm a keen understanding of coalition-building, traditional and non-traditional government relations, and advocacy around policy and the appropriations process. Worked in a variety of organizations, ranging from small, community-based outfits to national powerhouses like the YMCA and AmeriCorps. Specializes in food, community development and housing policy.

Jane Loewenson

Jane Loewenson, Partner. Decades of federal policy experience in Medicare, Medicaid, private health insurance, FDA and public health. Longstanding experience working with Congressional leadership and committee staff in both the House and Senate. Served as senior health policy advisor to Democratic Leader Tom Daschle, as professional staff on the Senate HELP Committee and as a health fellow to Senate Democratic Leader George Mitchell.

Irene B. Bueno

Irene B. Bueno, Founding Partner. Strong, long-standing relationships with patient advocacy and multicultural organizations.  Engages in outreach with multicultural health organizations. Ongoing engagement with the Congressional Black, Hispanic, and Asian and Pacific Islander caucuses. Served as Deputy Assistant Secretary at HHS and Special Assistant to President Clinton in the Domestic Policy Council and Chief of Staff’s office.

Andrea LaRue

Andrea LaRue, Managing Partner. Expert in managing large, complex, and often controversial legislative and regulatory issues and issue advocacy campaigns.  Lawyer by training.  Background in electoral politics. Policy expertise in civil rights, intellectual property, labor law, and issues impacting the life sciences. Provides strategic advice to corporations, trade associations and unions. Counsel to Democratic Leader Tom Daschle prior to the founding of NVG.